Wednesday, August 20, 2014

9th Annual Itasca Family Music Festival

I always enjoy this festival!  
So much great music!  Plus there are 
always so many people there that I know.  
Here are a few of the groups who played there this year:

This guy really likes to yodel! :)

 The Jorgensen family

 Mr. Brad Alzen was the MC guy for part of the day.

 The Ophoven family sang again in the evening.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Butterflies Galore!

One Sunday afternoon in July we went over to Munsinger and Clemens Gardens.  
They had released butterflies in the gardens that afternoon 
and so there were butterflies galore!  It was raining at first when we got there, 
but it soon stopped and I had a blast taking photos.